The patrol wagon carried him to his home on Jackson boulevard near the Kansas City round house. —W. Fair.Mean barometer........ AN ILD, foi Ci tiutiy storo, a young MAN, with aApjly lo Mr Buri}, ut S Hoffnung nnd Co s, Wryn}aid~\\^ \N 1 ED.rikptetabb GIRL, Protestant for generalV t hou eworl, m fui ill fiiuul},and to assist in driperybue ness Addre s b} loiter, stating wbcro last cmplo}oil,and both rblo and willing («hen need be) to work well for{,ood wages-which aro of less consideration than thosecuring of a good serv ant Apply at Miss Towlcr's Registry_, _. man as Cook and generally useful, wifo as House-maid and LnundrcBS. ..26 feet. PIANOS MADE TO ORDER, —Old Newspaper;*, 25c per IOO, at the Herald office. Standard Corner Tenth and White streets., Dubuque, Iowa.—2-4-6 3m -Finest Roses at Uarkett’8.—tf —Windsor Hotel, 11.25 per day.—tf —Sunday Herald 15c per month, tf —Merchant’s hotel, f2.00 per day, tf —Byrne Bros. & Co., undertakers.— lf —See the silver novelties displayed by A. K. Knights At Go. Dir.t —Ormsby Shirts made to order. Dir.t —Ormsby Shirts made to order.

........... I

Sanitary work a specialty. Mrs. T. O' S. Greon, tho Díñelo, Kiri.board ob required. OODubuque................ C. H. May, 109, EllzaYOUNG, nt AVuterloo; rent and incomings very little ;full trnde ; tennnt retiring from business. A. C. Kleine. None but first-class cooks need apply. -Michael Riley severely sprayed his

Peter Olingeris taking in the Free unfrofeBBional advertising was invest* gated and Dr. LaPaul was fired from the lociety by a vote of 71 to I. Paragraph operations are made directly in the full article text panel located to the left.Zone operations are made directly in the full article text panel located to the left.Since you've made it this far, we want to assume you're a real, live human. at OKOaVENOK’3. Music Ware-Rooms, Cor. Apply to Mrs. Eighmey, 1337 Main street.—tf —Fully fifty teams carried people from Dubuque to yesterday’s commencement at Sinsinawa. —New apples are on sale for the Fourth at reduced rates. 473, Riley-fllreof, Surry Hills.nnd liesidenco for mm ried couple. —Wanted—A housekeeper. —The strawberry crop is about ex hausted, the season closing. ........... MUNICIPAL MOLECULES. We PERSONALLY guarantee every new instrument that leaves our ware rooms. *& 'AN i I D, Mt t t on is II lusemiid or Gin Sonant,y \N IM), Situ iii n n« Ilousekeepor, 1} r «peotnbloWA N T. 1 1) bv a rc?portnb)o young Person, a SI I U A110N, in ii gi ntlt iiiiiu s fainilv, as Needlewomani« a potd die mi iktr Country or suburbs preferred (ProV v 1 c]tr, erin rmv cipicity not moni ii, childrenno lindon hu.1 r«t re fereuces can bo blvcn Addresss« nio ¡rnt' men no el ice ion Highest roforonces AdV, ANTI I), in n fiiiiII funilj, u thorm£,?i Generil<$% " \N 11 D, n G1KL, to bo ivtful, two in fnintly 11,V e* "\ ictom tlnre, Livorpiol streot, nenr Sussov streeti ' AN 1J D r specinbli Girl, n« G neral ti B\ V\ 1>~\\1 AMED, a respectai Io GIRL, to miko her»clf u«cAN 1LD, respect iblo GIRL, for gcniral work, ¡,liep? —Cook wanted-A first class lady cook at the European Restaurant, 305 Main •treet. WEBER, New York. Top American Libraries Canadian Libraries Universal Library Community Texts Project Gutenberg Biodiversity Heritage Library Children's Library. port races which close to day. Thu 8 Jun 1871 - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Rising Sun, Elizabeth-st.. rooms, kitchen, cellar, balcony. cal societies are a good deal like some of | Thirty*S€V6nth Annual Com lf —Fred Donath, fruit dealer, don’t scil goods at wholesale, but he sells at retail at wholesale rates don’t you see. texts All Books All Texts latest This Just In Smithsonian Libraries FEDLINK (US) Genealogy Lincoln Collection. 12 . KNABE, Baltimore. —Davenport Democrat: “J.


May8dG *2 General Note: Try it, ladies. )ffquciuotf his daily mun nifçtride, ho as i ni] liedloopen buger und miiiuomn odious premises in addition lohis i resent estnultshiuent, valuru ho ho) es the unequilU 1quality ¡id viinely of (hu i_t ds open foi ineiicction willPicure n nntiuunnci of tho|itronigo so.kindly nva irded1011's MIA OY, \\ holesalo und Retail Al muf i direrand lui urtu, uM> mid 001 G ori'e street South Wholef AOKsT lSTlhTGhvo luting, la TFd to~7fl lid, opili"V\t 7" '«ud S L VliGI , 1 eather .tiiaTvid Glovo Cleaner iM irkets lho trodo supplied on liberal terms, for cull onlyNeni Miniature, Morocco, and Roan, Leather C VSJ S,with isaniiwrtments for ililli rout stamps to carry ia thSouth AV oles, Id and 2d AVrcatha and Ri(,isttrs, ot()d ptr doren 3d Wreaths, lo 3d per do/on , last issues ofall Austrr-1 n Colonies, Is 3d perlOO, .nd id» i"0,000 m 1lirfint !s*ucB und Svdntv Annas for gonai nxilunjj mJL ncquaint his nunn rous customers mid frienl th tho still continues to supply UROCF-R1LS of ovmy de» rip_i_ street, nt the fohcitoiion of Ins pitrms is uoav pr -p mil to supply his cilibnvtcd pork sausages , poullrv of"irOlvSAlL, fallu pigeons, fantoils, b ltd ho ids, and' Y-"0 ^'<>-IIl-' stI01111 R> lis< El ' ibet'i streetMouininp: dvod on tho shortest nrdce A Cox, dvcrnndfiounr üi, AA'illmm Ftrert, and SI, PaiTomatla streetBookl ocper or ona p sitiui of tniat (oaan or e i intrv rforenres ni d & curity if icjuiroJ Address Lxpncnced,va iib tho AA ino Spirit, and Grocery Tr ido, and li iv ¡ii,:n gord ccnntction in tho inteiior, desires RE-ENG \OhJ¡ Gcntlcuinn, eapoblo of Inking charge of tlio Convoynnting Department or of a Branch Offieo lins tlio highestrefermées in Sydnoy and Melbourno Address C. J. AV ,IO -An efficient ORGANIST is wonted, Avho will alsouidoifuko (ho duty of instructing tho Choir.