CLAMP is never that subtle.)

Vous aimez ce livre ? Il rêve qu'un jour, il aura les moyens de s'acheter un ordinateur. Again, you must be new … Yes, there's all sorts of fan service lurking just above the surface (not below.

Hideki tente de connaître son origine qui reste un mystère pour tous les spécialistes… * Cette critique concerne les deux premiers tomes * C'est un vrai plaisir que de suivre ces tranches de vie qu'elles font évoluer sous nos yeux. Chi continues to learn things at an alarming rate although human emotions puzzle her. I am also thinking Minoru needs his ow side story too. Chi isn't like any other persocom ever created. OH WELL this will be a fun adventure down nostalgia lane starting with Chobits which is just great and actually incredibly similar to the anime which I’ve seen and loved so this will go fast This volume was so much better than the first! It tells her that her memory was wiped and she's been through this process before and she has to find "a special person just for her" or someone who can care for her. I think I’m reading a fan translated version (I am being forced to read online... the libraries don’t have it...) and the translation isn’t the best. CWe begin to get some hints about Chi’s background. 2 book.

Ce tome confirme à mon sens le talent des Clamp à dépeindre les sentiments de leurs personnages. " I also caught on right away. Chi, as she is named by Hideki, a rebooted persocom learns to interact with the world like a newborn. So when he found a perfectly good humanoid computer - a persocom - lying in the garbage, it seemed like his luck was finally starting to turn around. Why is Chi hearing a voice? Les cookies assurent le bon fonctionnement de Babelio. Voici enfin le deuxième volume de LA comédie sentimentale du moment. Seules, leurs oreilles les différencie des êtres humains. Chobits, Tome 2 infos Critiques (12) Citations (9) Forum Ajouter à mes livres. Alors... Où est-il ? Buy Chobits. I think I care more about the side characters than I do the main ones. C’est qu’un ordinateur pourtant. it reads like a criticism on today's tech-focused society, but still plays off the notion that we are destined to choose technology. Dans ce future proche, les ordinateurs ont des apparences humaines, les portables ressemblent à des enfants mais la plupart des ordinateurs ont des allures de jolies femmes. I am also thinking Minoru needs his ow side story too. Be the first to ask a question about Chobits, Vol. This is also one of Hedieki's main conflicts, because he too, has a girlfriend and she gets really uncomfortable when Hedieki talks to her about Chi.

He can't get into school, his parents cut off his allowance, and he's a 19-year-old virgin. I must persevere through the broken English!Slowly burning through the manga I’ve been collecting for a decade and only read less than half of whoops. Hideki, frantic with worry about what she might get into on her own, sets off in search of her, coming across his friend and his teacher, and seeing something he wasn't meant to see.Chi continues to learn things at an alarming rate although human emotions puzzle her. Chobits, Vol. She's a special snowflake. Hideki is used to getting the short end of the stick. He can't get into school, his parents cut off his allowance, and he's a 19-year-old virgin. So when he found a perfectly good humanoid computer - a persocom - lying in the garbage, it seemed like his luck was finally starting to turn around. I did read the first volume of Chobits in high school but it didn't interest me as much. I HATE READING!” “You got a D in reading class! I did read the first volume of Chobits in high school but it didn't interest me as much. The volume ends with Chi seeing another "her" and wigging out...causing all other persacoms to malfunction as she floats on a lamp post. Also, the side drama going on with Hideki's teacher is awesome! Again, you must be new … Yes, there's all sorts of fan service lurking just above the surface (not below. I thought I'd give the series another try since the first two volumes were only a dollar each at the local used book store. clamp knows just how to tap into legitimate fears people could have in an age where people are ruled by technology (a place we ourselves are rapidly moving towards). I don’t want to read. I kept wondering what was happening between them. Un soir, en rentrant du travail, il découvre une jeune femme endormie dans les poubelles. The second half of this series is even better than the first. I really loved their double series Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle and xxxHolic. She's a Chobit. Read 90 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. I HATE READING!”The second volume of Chobits continues the story of Hideki and Chii from the first volume. We also learn that the landlady, Ms. Hibya has a mysterious connection to Chi, knowing who she is and dropping layered "hints" and reminders of her lost programming. She realizes that she likes to make Hideki happy and when he complains about his money troubles, she decides she wants to get a job to help him out. En poursuivant la navigation vous en acceptez le fonctionnement

Hideki comes to care for Chi as time passes and learns of her mysterious past, the shadowy figure and the circumstances that lead him to finding her.I generally enjoyed this. It is well worth the read. Exploring the relationships that can be formed between humans and persocons, Chobits takes you to the heart of mending a broken heart anew. Tchii, tu pense pouvoir trouver quelqu'un rien que pour toi ? 2” as Want to Read: You must be new to CLAMP titles … And are we surprised when Chi’s would-be exploiter gets more than he bargained for?

Tchi apprend de nouvelles choses sur son passé.
