Verset Esaïe 43:19 - Voici, je fais une chose nouvelle; maintenant elle va germer: ne la connaîtrez-vou - Français Bible Darby - fdb I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.Behold, I will do a new thing - unprecedented in its wonderful character (Now it shall spring forth - as a germinating herb: a beautiful image of the silent but certain gradual growth of events in God's providence (I will even make a way in the wilderness - just as Israel in the wilderness, between the Red Sea and Canaan, was guided and supplied with water by Yahweh; but the God's messages to Israel are steeped in imagery supplied by their past experiences. celui qui t'a formé, ô Israël! Je vais tracer un chemin en plein désert.

We often speak of our lack of spiritual life and vigour as though it were a perplexing problem. Philosophy tells us that this unreadiness to believe that the future can be better than the past is but a proof of growing wisdom; and we are often inclined to say, "our theories of the Christian life have always been far in advance of our attainments; but shortcomings have brought down our expectations." Sa première place parmi ceux qu'on appelle les quatre grands prophètes est par conséquent tout à fait justifiée.

«J’ai formé ce peuple pour moi-même, ils raconteront ma louange», dit l’Éternel (v. 21).v. (18, 19) Remember ye not . From this familiar store the figurative expressions of the text are derived; it holds out a challenge to faith, a rebuke to unbelief.I. This doing a new thing is the very achievement which many voices of high authority are assuring us, just now, is impossible with God.

This is only one of many instances, in which we are taught that God's will is not only to preserve, but also to adorn our life (Isa ).

Au v. 5 nous trouvons l’assurance: «Je suis avec toi», conséquence du rachat proclamé au v. 1. Ésaïe 43 18 Ne pensez plus aux événements passés, Et ne considérez plus ce qui est ancien. Articles similaires.

(Es 43:4). Il ne s’agit évidemment pas d’oublier les anciens bienfaits de Dieu ; mais le moment est venu de porter toute son attention sur l’œuvre nouvelle et plus grande qu’il veut accomplir. Sa seule ressource, son seul droit, c’est la rédemption, qui remplit ces chapitres, comme elle a été mentionnée dès le ch. The voice of apprehension cries, "How shall freshness and vigour be maintained within me?"

Quand tu traverseras les eaux, je serai avec toi; et les fleuves, ils ne ... Read verse in Ostervald (French) Ésaïe n'était certes pas le premier prophète, mais son livre constitue l'écrit prophétique le plus long et le plus complet des Saintes Écritures. Esaïe 43 :25 . Behold, I will do a new thing. v. pp. Continuity is the law that governs all things. The future better than the past.

Ésaïe est celui qui donne le plus de détails sur le Messie promis (seuls les Psaumes ont un caractère encore davantage messianique); cela explique qu'il soit nommé «l'évangéliste parmi les prophètes». Les v. 19-21 parlent d’un renouvellement, pour Israël (les 10 tribus? 19 Voici, je vais faire une chose nouvelle, sur le point d'arriver: Ne la connaîtrez-vous pas?

209-210.Finding the new version too difficult to understand? Toutes ces bénédictions sont basées sur la rédemption d’Israël (v. 1, 3, 14, 25 et ch.

1, v. 18.

de Esaïe 43.18.

(Es 43:4).

verset suivant (verset 19) Retour au verset 18. Ne la remarquerez-vous pas?

Commentaire biblique de Esaïe 43.18 I … «J’ai formé ce peuple pour moi-même, ils raconteront ma louange», dit l’Éternel (v. 21).

Mais comment Israël avait-il répondu aux délivrances de jadis? To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use our convenient How dear to the heart of the Israelites was the remembrance of the nation’s deliverance from Egypt and their journey to the Land of Promise! Voici, je vais faire une chose nouvelle, sur le point d’arriver : Ne la reconnaîtrez-vous pas ?

43 - [Chapitre 66] Le chapitre 66 parle du jugement qui introduit ce millénium, et par conséquent nous donne plus de détails historiques.

For them all life is emphatically new; their experiences shall not, indeed, be unparalleled in the history of men, but to them they shall be a new thing from God. et mettre des fleuves dans les endroits arides. I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.But it may be thought that the Prophet is excessive, and that his language is altogether hyperbolical, when he extols this deliverance in such lofty terms; for we read that rivers were turned into blood, (The redemption from Egypt may be regarded as having been the first birth of the Church; because the people were gathered into a body, and the Church was established, of which formerly there was not the semblance; but that deliverance is not limited to the time when the people went out of Egypt, but is continued down to the possession of the land of Canaan, which was delivered to the people, when the kings had been driven out.

verset suivant (verset 19) Retour au verset 18.

Livre d'Isaïe. A lire aussi : Agapao, Eros et Phileo: les 3 types d'amour .

Take away these wrappings, lay them aside for ever!Note further, that this Divine promise pledges God to supply that which is a natural source of verdure, gladness, beauty. Conspiracies were formed, the people formerly abhorred became the objects of keener resentments, the work was interrupted, and every method was tried for putting a full stop to the design. Le temple est rebâti à Jérusalem, verset 6. . This new thing is compared with the opening of a path in the wilderness, and the supply of rivers in the desert. It never found more telling expression anywhere than at the lips of one who flourished a thousand years before Christ, more or less, and who put it thus Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? Bien que le Seigneur nous ait promis qu’Il ne nous délaisserait jamais, il nous arrive parfois de nous sentir seul, rejeté et abandonné. —Better, Will ye not give heed to it? “Thus saith the Lord of hosts,” says he, “Yet once, and within a short time, I will shake the heavens, and the earth, the sea, and the continent, and all the nations; and the Desire of all nations shall come; and I will fill this house with glory, saith the Lord of hosts.