Why didn’t anyone want to help? Le beau-père du petit Gabriel Fernandez a été déclaré coupable mercredi de meurtre. © Copyright Paris Match 2020.

Picture: Facebook/Gabriel's Justice.Gabriel lived in another loving home until October 2012 when he was forcibly removed from his grandparents as Fernandez wanted her son back – reportedly so she could claim welfare from him.But on May 22, 2013, Gabriel was discovered at his mother’s Los Angeles home naked and with horrific injuries.The eight-year-old was rushed to hospital where he was declared brain dead and died two days later, triggering a firestorm of media coverage andGabriel’s mother Pearl Fernandez and her boyfriend Isauro Aguirre were found guilty of murdering him.When Gabriel moved in with Fernandez, the-then seven-year-old tried to connect to the mother he didn’t know.Days before he was murdered he wrote her a card, telling her all the ways he loved her.Living with Fernandez was her boyfriend Isauro Aguirre and Gabriel’s two older siblings Virginia and Ezequiel.But as soon as Gabriel moved in he began being abused by both Aguirre and Fernandez, who subjected him to eight months of torture until his death.According to relatives, Fernandez was responsible for inciting the cruelty towards Gabriel.“Pearl was the abusive one to him,” Fernandez’s aunt Elizabeth Carranza told the Netflix series.Ms Carranza’s husband George Carranza also said their “niece was always controlling with her boyfriends.

L'exdiputada de la CUP al Parlament Anna Gabriel, l'exdirigent dels comuns Gemma Ubasart, l'exregidora de Barcelona Gala Pin i el politòleg Jordi Muñoz formaran part del consell de redacció del nou espai de reflexió Institut Sobiranies, que inclourà una publicació digital i que han impulsat l'exlíder dels comuns Xavier Domènech i l'exdiputat de la CUP Quim Arrufat. I think you see that in a lot of the pictures of Gabriel.

L’enfant de 8 ans a perdu la vie en 2013 après avoir subi de nombreux actes de torture. Pour associer votre compte PassMedia avec votre compte Paris Match en toute sécurité, validez votre email : It was released on Netflix as a six-part miniseries on February 26, 2020.

At the couple’s sentencing judge George Lomeli took the rare step of commenting on their horrific crimes, describing them as “beyond animalistic”.“It goes without saying that the conduct was horrendous and inhumane and nothing short of evil,” Judge Lomeli said. Picture: Facebook/Gabriel's Justice.They also allegedly failed to file paperwork that would have allowed more specialised detectives to investigate further.Four Los Angeles County social workers were later sacked and eventually charged with child abuse and falsifying records about Gabriel’s case.Ms Rodriguez, Patricia Clement, Kevin Bom and Gregory Merritt were charged in 2016, with prosecutors claiming Ms Rodriguez and Ms Clement had faked official reports and their supervisors Mr Bom and Mr Merrit “knew or should have known” they were false.A diagram shown in court labelling all of Gabriel’s injuries.After enduring eight months of abuse, Gabriel would be beaten for the last time on May 22, 2013, when Aguirre and Fernandez began punishing him for not cleaning up his toys.After Gabriel stopped breathing Fernandez called emergency services, with Ezequiel later testifying their mum made him lie and say the two had been play fighting.One paramedic who arrived on the scene described the sight of the little boy as the worst she’d ever seen in her career – Gabriel had shattered ribs, a cracked skull, burns and BB pellets buried in his body.The first thing Aguirre said to law enforcement when they arrived on the scene was that his girlfriend’s son had been gay.Nurses at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, where Gabriel was brought in, would later testify that he looked like a “a shell of a boy”.Fernandez was sentenced to life in prison, while Aguirre received the death penalty. Le site Paris Match est édité par Lagardère Média News Vous disposez déjà d'un compte sur parismatch.com avec l'email Depuis l’élection présidentielle controversée dimanche 9 août, le peuple biélorusse se soulève contre Alexandre Loukachenko, président depuis 26 ans. Gabriel Kemp Ribe du bureau du coroner du comté de Los Angeles a déclaré au grand jury: "Je n'ai jamais vu autant de lésions cutanées chez un enfant", a-t-il déclaré.

La sœur de l’enfant, âgée de 14 ans aujourd’hui, a elle aussi témoigné devant les jurés. Elle a raconté comment il était frappé à coup de battes, de club de golf, de cintre en métal et comment il avait même reçu un coup de carabine dans la bouche. Since 1986 Brandlines Pty Ltd has been Gabriel's partner in Australia, representing the brand to distributors and retailers.

En larmes, elle a décrit les horribles tortures subies par son frère alors qu’elle avait 11 ans. All I can do is hug my little baby boy and cry. In 2014, grandparents Robert and Sandra Fernandez brought a lawsuit over Gabriel’s death against the multiple parties responsible for investigating Gabriel’s abuse.Gabriel’s great-uncle Mr Carranza died a year after his death.Speaking in the documentary, Mr Carranza’s partner Mr Martinez described Gabriel as “my baby”.“I had never known pain before until he passed away. How could you hurt an innocent little boy in any way!!! Gabriel Fernandez: Netflix documentary looks at events that led to his murder Gabriel Hernandez’s mum and boyfriend were labelled “nothing short of … Peu de temps après sa naissance en 2005, Gabriel a été envoyé vivre avec des parents.
The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez muddled-in several people in the case. Tous droits réservés.