VAT number: None (exempt from VAT as a non-profit association)   Join our free community: and receive our newsletters, filled with great articles, research and event opportunities.You are already logged in, Please logout and continueWe use cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. L’institut de NeuroCognitivisme (INC) apporte un éclairage inédit sur l’impact des mécanismes cérébraux sur nos prises de décisions et nos comportements. We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. Liste des 10 Institut De Neurocognitivisme anciens élèves de Institut de Neurocognitivisme (Paris, France) For this fifth workshop in our PWN Professional Development 2019-2020 programme “Unleash Your Talents”, we are delighted to welcome We live in a world that is increasingly volatile, complex, and uncertain, where we will need to be more adaptable and resilient.Managing automatic and adaptive states of mind is an innovative method that can help manage stress, adapt, and be creative.

Philippe HENRIET. Educational Organization Cafe, Business Service, Non-Profit Organization, Institut de Neurocognitivisme: Bénédicte Brionne. Community Organization, What approaches can we use to better cope in a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) and increasingly interconnected world?Using the most recent theory in neuroscience and behavioural science, this workshop will offer you ways to consciously change from our automatic reactions to responding with adaptive intelligence and help us unleash performance and innovation. Institut de NeuroCognitivisme Le lieu et des séances découverte,gratuite,de l'approche neurcogonitive.

It helps us to cope with difficult and unknown situations that can cause stress. Educational Organization How to transform intentions into precise actions that are appropriate to the situation?To share the tools and know-how that can enable all of us, whether on a personal or a professional level, to mobilise our soft skills.To develop Adaptive Intelligence in people and organisations to help overcome the challenges of the many transformations necessary to solve the sustainability, efficiency and wellness equation.Our interventions (training, consulting, coaching) invite individuals and organisations to better use Adaptive Intelligence to foster sustainable well-being and energy and to engage with meaning, serenity, confidence and autonomy.Nous utilisons des cookies pour vous garantir la meilleure expérience sur notre site web. is hosted in Vernier, Geneve, Switzerland and is owned by Pierre Moorkens (Institut De Neurocognitivisme). C’est gratuit. L’institut de NeuroCognitivisme (INC) apporte un éclairage inédit sur l’impact des mécanismes cérébraux sur nos prises de décisions et nos comportements. What if it were possible to think and act more efficiently and calmly in all situations?Even the most complex, unknown and uncertain? Engineering Service

Page officielle de l'ESP Paris : une école proposant des diplômes pour former aux métiers de la publicité, de la communication, du marketing, des relations presse, de l'évènementiel, du design et du digital. How to make daily decisions? Les transformations de la société, des modes de vie et des organisations s’accélèrent avec la montée en puissance de la complexité. Educational Organization

Consulting Agency, Institute of NeuroCognitivism share the tools and know-how that enable all of us, whether on a personal or a professional level, to mobilise our soft skills Non-Profit Organization, ESP Paris - École Supérieure de Publicité 9 Rue Léo Delibes Paris, 75116 . Location: Institut de Neurocognitivisme - 8 rue Lamartine - 75009 PARIS - Starting time: 6.30pm welcome participants, 7pm (sharp): start of the workshopCancellation policy: reimbursements possible until Jan 21, 2020Join us for an evening of inspiration, ideas, and networking

Website IP is Once we notice visitors from Facebook to shared place, it gets promoted for 3 months FREE! Registry Office: Prefecture de Paris, France. Depuis 1987, Institute of NeuroCognitivism accompagneLes transformations de la société, des modes de vie et des organisations s’accélèrent avec la montée en puissance de la complexité.A l’Institute of NeuroCognitivism nous pensons que face à ce monde il est vital de développer les capacités des individus à anticiper et à s’adapter sereinement en temps réel.L’Institute of NeuroCognitivism propose des solutions à vos besoins et permet à chaque acteur d’aborder sous une perspective nouvelle les réalités de son métier. Educational Organization, How to manage interactions, emotions and thoughts? was created on 2009-02-20.

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Institut De Neurocognitivisme, Paris : 10 anciens élèves. 28 January 2020 18:30 - 21:30 Institut de Neurocognitivisme - 75009 Paris For this fifth workshop in our PWN Professional Development 2019-2020 programme “Unleash Your Talents”, we are delighted to welcome Muriel Janoir Bessioud , coach, consultant, behavioural sciences … Educational Organization 2012 2013. 25 February 2020 18:30 - 21:30 Institut de Neurocognitivisme - 75009 Paris For this sixth workshop in our PWN DEVELOP 2019-2020 programme “Unleash Your Talents” , organised in conjunction with the International Hub , we are delighted to welcome Lydia Haferburg , … Coach / life coaching / orientation .