Trova immagini stock HD a tema Lobo Frontale Femminile - Anatomia Cervello e milioni di altre foto, illustrazioni e contenuti vettoriali stock royalty free nella vasta raccolta di Shutterstock. Mis en évidence par le neurochirurgien français Paul Broca en 1861, l’aire de Broca constitue la zone associée à la production du langage. Seule la partie antérieure du gyrus cingu-laire est formée d’archéocortex et appartient au lobe limbique. Phineas suffered a lesion in the left frontal lobe (specifically in the medial orbital region) but he was still alive, although he still had sequels.The most significant changes due to the injury suffered were increased impulses, inability to control and difficulties to plan and organize.People with the injured prefrontal cortex have changes in personality, motor skills, attention, language, memory and executive functions.According to Ardila (cited in León-Carrión & Barroso, 1997) there are two ways to describe the changes in personality caused by this syndrome:Changes in activation for the action. Le cortex frontal peut être subdivisé en gyrus de manière assez It can be divided into precentral and prefrontal cortex:Image adapted from: NEUROtiker (Own work) [ GFDL, CC-BY-SA-3.0 or CC BY-SA 2.5-2.0-1.0 ], via Wikimedia CommonsThe frontal lobe, and especially the prefrontal cortex, is the cortical area most widely connected to the rest of the brain. For example, they can take an exam and choose the clothes they are going to wear for too long instead of studying.Neonatal reflexes. I suoi limiti sono rappresentati dalle scissure centrale e laterale, sulla faccia laterale, e dalla scissura limbica, sulla faccia mediale. Vous pouvez vous désinscrire à tout moment en utilisant le lien de désabonnement intégré Délimité par la scissure de Rolando et par la scissure sylvienne, il représente près du tiers de l' hémisphère cérébral et se divise en trois parties : le cortex moteur , le cortex prémoteur et le cortex préfrontal .

Le lobe frontal est estimé à maturité au sujet de la Il lobo frontale è situato nella parte anteriore di ciascun emisfero cerebrale (di fronte al lobo parietale e al lobo temporale), ed è il più grande dei quattro lobi principali della corteccia cerebrale nel cervello dei mammiferi.. Si une personne a développé normalement, cette zone devrait représenter plus de la moitié du cerveau’s de volume.

This area is especially important because it fulfills functions without which we would not be effective in our day-to-day activities, such as planning and organizing future behaviors.It has a pyramid shape, like the frontal lobe, and has an internal face, an external and an internal.Regarding the connections it establishes with the rest of the structures, there are three main circuits:The functions of structuring, organizing and planning behavior are attributed to this area.

This concept arises for the first time from the hand of AR Luria in 1966 in his book Higher Cortical Function in Man (cited in León-Carrión & Barroso, 1997).Lezak popularized this term in American psychology. This author highlights the difference between executive and cognitive functions, stating that, although cognitive functions suffer damage if the executive functions function correctly, the person will continue to be independent, constructively self-sufficient and productive (cited in León-Carrión & Barroso, 1997).The executive functions are made up of four components:These alterations can occur without the need of brain damage, simply with a poor organization in the prefrontal lobe.This process requires certain capacities such as: conceptualizing changes in present circumstances, developing oneself in the environment, seeing the environment objectively, capable of conceiving alternatives, carrying out elections and developing a structure to carry out the plan.The teaching system is very important for the correct configuration of executive functions, since these functions begin to develop in childhood, from the first year of life, and do not mature until puberty or even later.The executive functions are mainly related to the prefrontal cortex, but some studies performed with PET (positron emission tomography) indicate that, when the activity becomes routine, another part of the brain takes over the activity to “free” the prefrontal cortex and that it can take care of performing other functions.The most used techniques for the evaluation of the executive system are:The frontal lobe can be damaged as a result of trauma, heart attacks, tumors, infections or the development of some disorders such as neurodegenerative or developmental disorders.The consequences of frontal lobe damage will depend on the damaged area and the extent of the injury.

Il correspond à un choc au niveau du crâne qui peut provoquer des lésions cérébrales, notamment au niveau du lobe frontal. Language recognition.

La foto "Anatomia cerebrale - lobo frontale" può essere utilizzata per scopi personali e commerciali secondo le condizioni della licenza royalty-free acquistata. Frontal Lobe: The frontal lobe is the largest of the four major lobes of the cerebral cortex in the brain.