Here are a couple of examples of microlearning being practiced by having the learners produce their own content: – learning to write in a new language, or learning creative writing, by having to compose small sentences. Feel free to download, re-use, or share the following English grammar lessons with your friends, colleagues, or students. ;)What a nice template! Athena launched our first video-based, micro-learning lessons on the internet in 1999, a full 6 years before YouTube was founded. This PowerPoint download with an app-like feel is exactly what you need. 3 Ways to Boost Your Learning Habits for a Superior Performance E-Learning-Gratuit Module 1 – Hygiène Leçon 1 – Partie 1 Leçon 2 – Partie 2 Leçon 3 – Partie 3 Module 2 – Les bonnes manières Leçon 4 – Partie 1 Leçon 5 – Partie 2 Module 3 – Analyse couleurs Leçon 6 – Partie 1 Leçon 7 – Partie 2 Leçon 8 – partie 3 Leçon 9 – partie 4. Thanx! Other Free e-Learning Templates. Get OneNote. This PowerPoint download with an app-like feel is exactly what you need. :)Oops! The Actuate Advantage. To embed this in your Rise course you'd have to import it into Storyline and then publish to Articulate 360, but it should work! Learn all about how you can implement Improve your employee, partner and customer training with our enterprise-ready learning management system. 2,791 Downloads Download. Here are a couple of – learning to write in a new language, or learning creative writing, by having to compose small sentences.It just so happens that microlearning is also a great fit for the modern age, when everybody has a mobile phone, and lots of people have plenty of dead time, such as long commutes to work.And while primitive forms of microlearning such as flashcards and quiz books have been known for over a century, when combined with modern eLearning they get even more powerful, as they get to tap into vast content repositories, add multimedia elements, That said, microlearning is not the be-all end-all solution that will replace all other forms of eLearning as it has its own share of compromises and disadvantages.With its emphasis on small isolated chunks of learning, it is not so great when it’s essential to have a holistic view of the training material, and be able to connect disparate elements of it into one coherent picture.For example, while doctors frequently employ microlearning to memorize medical terms, nobody seriously suggests that it’s a credible method to study pathology. Do you know if you'd be able to embed this in a Rise course?Hi Coniqua! Looking for a simple but effective template for creating micro-learning courses? The skills required to advance your career and earn your spot at the top do not come easily. ; Adobe Captivate Project Templates: Adobe has a great partner program whereby Captivate developers can post and sell their eLearning templates through

It initiated ideas for a lot of other scenarios and usecases in my mind.

Behavioral, Leadership, Managerial, Cognitive and Technical Skills Micro-learning Courses. Learn at your pace, anywhere, anytime; Access the easy-to-search training catalog with a broad selection of expert-created training; Get training on Trend Micro, cybersecurity, the latest threats, and more Look no further! I've tried to upload it to storyline and changed the slide orientation to portrait (540/720) before, but it still messes up the whole layout.

Thanks for pointing that out! :)Allison LaMotte Sometimes you just have to soldier through an extensive body of material and understand it thoroughly, and microlearning is unsuited for that use case.In general, microlearning is unsuited when there’s a large body of material that needs to be studied and comprehended in detail. Explore Catalogue. Now all that’s left to do is pop in your content and your course is ready to go.Like the fonts in this template? Micro-learning is no longer a trend—it’s a permanent e-learning development. It seems like micro-learning has been topping trend charts for years. Self-paced, online training covers a broad range of cybersecurity and Trend Micro-relevant topics. Now there’s a more rewarding approach to hands-on learning that helps you achieve your goals faster. Yes, that helps a lot! People use it to refer to several different ways of learning. Earn points, levels, and achieve more! What am I doing wrong?Hi Nina, Allison LaMotte.