Imagine was the most successful single that Lennon produced and is perhaps the best song in music history for its strong message. Audience Who is the primary audience? The song examines Social issues and injustices throughout. He is an atheist and is known for his unflinching criticism of religion. The song has become one of the most famous songs in the world ranking number twenty five in the scale. The song reflects John Lennon 's consideration about how the world would be like if there are no rules, no differences and all people don 't really think about their own possession.

John Lennon thoughtThe song Imagine was written by John Lennon, a former Beatle member. His song is timeless as its message still applies today. He says we must “try ” a little. The song “Imagine” is “poetry” and “metaphor” and I believe John Lennon was writing in the spiritual sense. Each and every line with the flow of very specific choice of wordings convey the ideology ofany inspired activity produced by human’ imaginations and their inventive skills” (Oxford Dictionary). Keeping these four topics in mind, it is necessary to understand the political, social, cultural and economic environment in which Lennon lived in during the making of this song. Song Lyric Analysis The song Imagine written by John Lennon was released in 1971 during the period of the Vietnam War (Johnson, 2010). For my rhetorical analysis paper I chose to use one of the most influential British singers of all time, John Lennon.
From this word, the human imagination can create some of the most horrible atrocities, but it has also conjured up some of … “Imagine” was partially inspired by a prayer book Lennon and Ono had received from comedian Dick Gregory. Religion is taught to most people while growing up;

There is no definite rhyme scheme in the song. Pentatonix recently released a new single of John Legend’s Imagine on their YouTube page and with their incredible grace left a message for the viewers like never before. John Lennon who himself had a strong faith in peace and unity promoted world peace through the inspirational lyrical context of Imagine. That he called it a “communist manifesto” was in John Lennon’s comment when he described “Imagine” as “virtually the Communist Manifesto [but then added] “even though I am not particularly a communist and I do not belong to any movement…. This desire is, again a cause of problems faced by the people in the world.The poet thus asks us to think and imagine if we would give up the desire to possess the material things, there will be no fight, no class, no greed and thus no problem. In the past and present day, religion has divided people in society because of the controversy behind it. The poet says that the people may think that he is There are many others as well and someday we will also join him and that day the world will be one. Irving considered accusations of him being a Holocaust denier to be wrong and damaging, so on September 5, 1996, he took Deborah Lipstadt to court on the grounds of libel because she had according to Irving; wrongly accused him of being a denier. Produite par Phil Spector, la chanson est réapparue comme numéro un des ventes au Royaume-Uni en janvier 1981, John Lennon étant décédé en décembre 1980 Le thème central de la chanson est inspiré par \"Cloud Piece\", un po… John Lennon a écrit le titre "Imagine" avec la plume de sa compagnet amoureuse éternelle Yoko Ono au début des années 70. Universal brotherhood will prevail in the world and it will be shared by all the people equally.The fifth and the final stanza is again a chorus repeated by the poet. According to Wikipedia, the song Imagine is one of the top 100 most performed songs of the twentieth century. John tries to create provocative atmosphere to listeners. John Lennon who himself had a strong faith in peace and unity promoted world peace through the inspirational lyrical context of Imagine.

Religion is a hotly debated topic of whether one religion is right or wrong compared to another . I did choose the song “Imagine” by the British singer John Lennon as a piece of art to be analyzed. But it was even more-heavily influenced by a book of poems Ono had composed a few years earlier. The song Imagine is a fantasy imagination of John Lennon that pushes the ideology of communism through its resemblance to an unrealistic society. He says that though he is a dreamer, he will too join him someday and thus the world will be one.The song or the poem reflects the dream of a poet who wants to see the world problem-free. “Imagine” was released in 1970. John Lennon’s song “Imagine” was released in October 1971. So that means that if you are 15 years old you have spent approximately 1 year of your life dreaming. The 60’s wasSong Lyric Analysis The song has been divided into five stanzas in which the 3rd stanza is repeated at the end. Imagine by John Lennon Analysis 12 December 2016 John Lennon is one of my favorite songs because it is so peaceful and full of life, love, positive feelings and happiness. The song is emotionally filled and full of instances where a listener is forced to think of what Lennon is saying in the song. Ever since the beginning of time mankind we as people have been fascinated with these things known as dreamsImagine A World with No Conflict By: John Lennon The literary elements and underlying messages in the song are phenomenal, Lennon examines issues in the cultural, economic, social and political context. This song was not created by John Lennon alone, somewhere around last year we get to know that his wife was also involved in the making of this song. According to Stuart Kallen, people spend 1/3 of their lives sleeping and 1/5 of that dreaming. Purpose John Lennon song this song for a particular audience, and that is everyone around the world. Materialistic desires lead to greed and thus capitalism, which again divides the society into classes i.e. He attempts to discuss and answer two fundamental questions of life.