The question depends to a great extent on the reference in the clause—“Who being in the form of God.” Is it after He was born that the apostle so describes Him?

Comme celui-ci, il va jusqu’au bout de sa façon de vivre sans reculer même face à une mort humiliante.Les deux parties sont articulées par la conjonction de coordination « c’est pourquoi ». Le monde humain où il se trouve est marqué par l’esclavage et la mort. Il convient donc de commencer par une présentation de ce contexte historique.Province romaine dès le IIe siècle av. By continuing to browse this site you are agreeing to our use of cookiesL’essai d’interprétation proposé tient compte de la structure dégagée précédemment et du contexte historique dans lequel cet hymne a été soumis à la méditation des chrétiens de Philippes.

Philippians 2:5–11 5 o Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, 1 6 p who, though he was in q the form of God, did not count equality with God r a thing to be grasped, 2 7 but s emptied himself, by taking the form of a t servant, 3 u being born in the likeness of men.
Aimeriez-vous découvrir le plan de Dieu pour votre vie ? This verse introduces one of the great Christological passages in the New Testament ( “Have”: Actually possess it, practice it and do more than merely talk about it.

Ainsi va-t-on de serviteur à Seigneur, d’abaissé à surélevé. (1) The condescension has its roots in our blessed Lord's conception of the scope and value of His own Divine prerogatives. He existed in the (5) Instead of an eager clinging to his right of his majestic glory in an appearance among men, he, on the contrary, (6) The mode and extent of this self-divestiture appear in the contrast of his assumed with his previous condition. Jesus is set forth in all His towering superiority. It was truly exemplified by Him —“Who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant.” The “form of God” on the one hand, and obedience to the death on the other, are the two termini; or the extent of our Lord's self-denying grace is measured by the distance between equality with God, and a public execution on a gibbet. “Think just as Christ Jesus thought” (Beck). His object, in the following paragraph, is neither to prove Christ's Divinity, so as to confirm their faith, nor to argue the perfection of His atonement, so as to brighten their hopes. Il n'avait que 17 ans quand il rencontra Celui qui a radicalement changé sa vie... How, then, shall we describe the humble ChristianII. “Present tense, a habitual way of thinking and disposition” (Jackson p. 45). Being found in fashion as a Man, He humbled Himself, and became obedient, submitted Himself to the will of the Father, even to the point of drinking the cup, to His true human nature the bitter cup, of death. Read our cookie policy for more information. Is the “form of God” descriptive of His incarnate dignity- As this passage has long been a chosen field of challenge in polemical warfare, we need not wonder that so many names can be quoted on both sides of the view which we have been considering. His appeal is not to the merits of His abasement, but to the depth and spirit of it; not to the saving results of His service, but to the form and motives of it. You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.

Help me to live in complete dependence on You and in godly unity with my brothers and sisters in Christ. Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Here the apostle presses the duty of humility, from Christ's example; he was a perfect pattern of humility when here on earth: example therefore should recommend this grace and virtue to us, which was so orient in the life of Christ, whose humility was as conspicuous as his innocency; and accordingly the apostle descends in the next verse to give particular instances of the humility and humiliation of the Son of God. Having the mind of Christ in one is equivalent to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, as well as to the indwelling of the Father and the Son in Christian hearts.

Some commentators go so far as to suggest stanza and verse arrangements for the "hymn." The thought here is not simply that they were to see what Jesus Christ did as an example which they were to follow, although it included that, but that they were to see it as something into which they were to actually enter by experience. 1 Thessaloniciens 2 Thessaloniciens 1 Timothée 2 Timothée Tite. Approfondir . ‘Have this mind in you, which was also in Christ Jesus,’We may translate more literally, ‘Be thus minded (phroneite) in/among yourselves which also in Christ Jesus’. Is not this a field in which we may seek for the mind which was in Christ Jesus? In the great passage which follows we have a suggestive example of Christian moral teaching. Philippiens 2:5-8 Louis Segond (LSG) 5 Ayez en vous les sentiments qui étaient en Jésus Christ, 6 lequel, existant en forme de Dieu, n'a point regardé comme une proie à arracher d'être égal avec Dieu, 7 mais s'est dépouillé lui-même, en prenant une forme de serviteur, en devenant semblable aux hommes; et ayant paru comme un simple homme, 07 Mais il s’est anéanti, prenant la condition de serviteur, devenant semblable aux hommes. Illustration in the self-denial of Christ, Philippians 2:5-11. a. Surely we cannot fail if we wish to keep Him before our eyes to find even in the busiest life some still time for thought, for looking backwards and forwards, for withdrawing ourselves for a moment from the throng of common cares and pleasures to some peaceful hillside, from amidst the swarming and noisy flats of life, where we may snatch short times of insight and resolution which may be worked out in days of hurry or perhaps of gloom. La Bible en questions, du site biblique francophone Au contraire, celui-ci affirme que Dieu lui « a donné-par-grâce » Cette observation va de pair avec une autre : lorsque Dieu est enfin qualifié à la fin de l’hymne, c’est comme Père, plutôt que comme tout-puissant, par exemple. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. Deux expressions y font particulièrement difficulté.