Publishers can get started with the Live API by contacting one of our Media Solutions partners.These partners have built video production, editing, and streaming products that publish directly to Facebook Live and bring live video to life with features like camera switching, instant replay, on-screen graphics and special effects.

Applies to pages only.The caption of a link in the post (appears beneath the name).The time the post was initially published.

We have replaced this with an open source To use this integration, you will need an Facebook account.Gets the feeds from the logged in user's timeline (V2).Post a status message to the logged in user's timeline.Post a message to a Facebook Page as the logged in user (V2).Post a message to a Facebook Page as the logged in user.Gets the feeds from the logged in user's timeline (V2).Specify the fields you want returned. You will still be able to use the Facebook Get & Transform (Power Query) connector until then, but starting in April, 2020, you will be unable to connect … Example (id,name,picture).Unique ID of the user whose timeline have to be retrieved.Restrict the list of posts to only those with location attached.Specify the fields you want returned. Applies to Pages only.A link to an icon representing the type of this post.If this post is marked as hidden (applies to Pages only).Indicates whether a scheduled post was published (applies to scheduled Page Post only, for users post and instanlty published posts this value is always true).The ID of any uploaded photo or video attached to the post.The picture scraped from any link included with the post.A list of properties for any attached video, for example, the length of the video.A URL to any Flash movie or video file attached to the post.Text from stories not intentionally generated by users, such as those generated when two people become friends, or when someone else posts on the person's wall.The time of the last change to this post, or the comments on it.An individual entry in a profile's feed. Conseil. This API provides read and write access to the Facebook social graph. 0 means not enough data to get a combined rating.The parent location if this location is located within another location.Text that describes the privacy settings, as they would appear in Facebook.When value is CUSTOM, this is a comma-separated list of user IDs and friend list IDs that can see the post.When value is CUSTOM, this is a comma-separated list of user IDs and friend list IDs that cannot see the post.When value is CUSTOM, this indicates which group of friends can see the post.Relationship status. These can also include programmatic sources like games or screencasts.When you combine the Live API with Facebook's Graph API, you gain access to your live video's comments, reactions, and mentions. This tutorial uses data from the Microsoft Power BI Facebook page. Build your API.

Use 1 to indicate male, 2 indicates female.Education status code. You don't need any special credentials to connect and import data from this page except for a personal Facebook account. Example (id,name,picture).Unique ID of the user whose timeline have to be retrieved.Restrict the list of posts to only those with location attached.Specify the fields you want returned.

You should look for an alternative source, or getting the API to working better for your needs.

Media organizations are inventing new formats on Facebook and experimenting with ways to create more engaging experiences with their audiences. Lifecycle. Example (id,name,picture).Restrict the list of posts to only those with location attached.Retrieve only posts that match a particular stream filter.Unique ID of the page from which posts have to be retrieved.Whether or not to include any posts that were hidden by the Page.Specify the fields you want returned.

Hardware manufacturers can integrate with the Live API to let people go live directly from their devices. QVSource is now part of Qlik and called the Qlik Web Connectors, as such there will be no more postings to this Facebook … Use 1 for single, 2 for 'in a relationship', 3 for married, and 4 for engaged.Interest code. In this article. L’ensemble de nos SDK et produits interagissent avec l’API Graph d’une certaine manière et nos autres API sont des extensions de l’API Graph. Applies to Pages only.Target specific genders. Example (id,name,picture).Restrict the list of posts to only those with location attached.Retrieve only posts that match a particular stream filter.Specify the fields you want returned. Example (id,name,picture).Unique ID of the user or page whose timeline have to be retrieved.Restrict the list of posts to only those with location attached.Whether or not to include any posts that were hidden by the Page.Specify the fields you want returned. Example (id,name,picture).Unique ID of the page from which posts have to be retrieved.Whether or not to include any posts that were hidden by the Page.Specify the fields you want returned. We've been inspired by the innovation we've seen so far, and we know it's only the beginning.Publishers can get started with the Live API by contacting one of our Developers can learn how to integrate directly with Facebook Live using the The Live API lets you build video streams that mix multiple video and audio sources and introduce special effects. With the help of these APIs, we will create a SQLShack Facebook analysis dashboard.

The Live API also makes it possible for device manufacturers to integrate Live directly into their latest video products.In the short time since we've rolled out Facebook Live to people and publishers around the world, we've seen incredible adoption, creativity and engagement. Default is to target both.Array of integers for targeting based on relationship status.Indicates targeting based on the 'interested in' field of the user profile.Array of integers for graduation year from college.Array of integers for targeting based on education level.Overall rating of place, on a 5-star scale.