Once Naruto attained Sage Mode, he taught him While Naruto continued trying to find an alternative, Fukasaku was informed of Knowing that the Animal Path must be got rid of, Shima coated the area in a dust cloud while Fukasaku threw Gamabunta at the path, giving Naruto an opportunity to finish it off. Fukasaku was later present when the Great Toad Sage called for Jiraiya to tell him about his prophecy.Fukasaku, like his wife Shima, is considered very wise and is greatly respected by all who know them well enough.

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Fukasaku met Naruto for the first time when he brought the news of Fukasaku is a green toad with white hair styled in somewhat of a mohawk, very thick eyebrows and a small goatee. Fukasaku is one of the Toad-Sages of Mount Myoboku and the one who taught Jiraiya, Naruto and Naruko to use sage-mode. En réalité, il ne cesse de se disputer avec Shima pour un oui ou pour un non, parfois au détriment des vrais problèmes, comme lorsqu'ils se plaignent de manquer l'heure du dîner en plein combat. After Jiraiya's death he decided to teach Naruto and Naruko Sage-mode.

After Shima extends a serpent-like creature from her stomach to seek out the opponent, Fukasaku can quickly strike with his tongue.

As the heirs of the Great Toad Sage, he and his wife Shima are revered as the "Two Great Sage Toads" (二大仙蝦蟇, Nidaisengama). Il reconnut en Naruto le disciple de Jiraya lorsqu'il le surnomme l'« Ermite pervers » et décida, voyant que ni lui-même ni le jeune garçon n'étaient en mesure de rivaliser avec Pain, de lui enseigner le Shima et Fukasaku savent utiliser le senjutsu, leur permettant de rassembler et utiliser l'énergie naturelle. Ils étaient des ninjas très doués même si Jiraya était le plus faible. Although Naruto tried to protect everyone on the battlefield, the Ten Tails fired several volleys of wood directed to him.

Pain killed Fukasaku and knocks Shima away before they had a chance.

Their bodies were later found and Shima, once healed, wept for Fukasaku. When Pain was defeated, and subsequently chose to revive everyone he had killed, Fukasaku was brought back to life, to Shima's shock and surprise. En réalité, il ne cesse de se disputer avec Shima pour un oui ou pour un non, parfois au détriment des vrais problèmes, comme lorsqu'ils se plaignent de manquer l'heure du dîner en plein combat. Leur niveau en genjutsu est impressionnant : ils l'utilisaient souvent pour pallier le niveau très modeste de On his back is a message that Jiraiya left before he died regarding In battle, Fukasaku and Shima are extremely formidable. Both are capable of exerting powerful gusts of wind. Fukasaku, tout comme sa femme, est considéré comme vénérable et sage, et respecté par tous ceux qui le connaissent suffisamment. As the heirs of the Great Toad Sage, he and his wife Shima are revered as the "Two Great Sage Toads" (二大仙蝦蟇, Nidaisengama). Il semblerait que Fukasaku soit plus enclin à garder son sérieux dans les situ…

Pain was soon left with only one body, and Shima and Fukasaku tried once again to use a genjutsu to defeat it.

Tel un vieux couple, ils se disputent sans arrêt mais leur soutien est très efficace. Bien qu'il ait l'air petit et innofensif, Fukasaku est en réalité un puissant batracien ! Fukasaku (フカサク, Fukasaku), often referred to as "Head" (頭, Kashira) is an elder toad over eight hundred years old that resides on Mount Myōboku.