Hiding and showing any component in react native application is very easy and simple, just we need to use state object in react native component.

To show or hide any component using any condition, we should have the values, and based on those values, we can hide or show a component using different conditional operators.

The parent component should pass a callback to the children, and each child would trigger that callback when its state changes.
Don't explicitly call render. It depends on the design of the object. Also, where is your actual render method?

React.Component is a plain javascript function, since es6 classes are syntactic sugar around them.

I just borrowed Backbone's extend method here: // From backbone var extend = function(protoProps) { var parent = this; var child; var extendObj = function(obj1,... Inside the callback you pass to .map, this refers to the global object, not the component.

In this tutorial, we are going to learn about different ways to show or hide elements and components in react. You need to fix the following line of code: if (isValid === false) { setTimeout(this.setIsValid(isValid), 2000); } What you are doing here, you are basically calling this.setIsValid instantly and passing to setTimeout the result of it. You can use a component like react-document-title to solve the problem. You could use JSON.parse.

I think what you want is to have a button which add another header-date-body-Component to the form, which should then also be submitted, right? We can do this using anotherapproach.Let’s jump directly to the example, where we will create a simple form along with two input boxes and one submit button.It seems like a huge file, so let’s discuss each and everything about this component.First of all, we have two different state variables along with the default value.The specific table row will only be rendered if the condition will be At last, we have an additional two buttons with the event attached, which are used to trigger an action by providing the unique string that identifies which button was clicked.We have two use cases.

Updating the component's state is the preferred way to show/hide children.

Hide Show Component Using

In getInitialState: function () { return {groupsData: {}, itemsData: { objects: [] }}; }, the first render are getting a object in groupsData try change to var MainMenu = React.createClass({ render: function() { console.log(this.props.groupsData); // console.log here var categories ={ return... You could actually hold all of the state in the parent, using it as a single point of truth, and pass the "selected" value down to each child as... Two options: Don't worry about it.
So to answer your two questions: React-router is pretty simple to use, and the documentation is great. Said another way, customComponent represents a template to create new ReactElement from. Well, the variable tab_id doesn't exist anywhere.

If you want to animate color, you need to download the Color Animations plugin from You have to down load and include the color animate plugin in order...

Code-wise they're doing the same thing tho.

You are calling the event handler instead of passing it to onClick.

One you could actually write without the eval and without getting any errors.

When we change the state view will re-render itself and after checking the state we will return the view or null. That is a very idiomatic way to do it but if you have concerns over cloning large arrays, you should definitely look into the update helper that you mentioned, it's not really that bad: this.setState({ arrayThing: React.addons.update(this.state.arrayThing, {123: {$set: 42}}) }) ...