)with his jo still raised he steps back (quickly!) catch the end again, step forward and…(Change to back posture bringing Jo up in a rising block and rotate Jo in a circular motion above the head. (Slide left foot forward and thrust at chest height. Swing Jo down right side of body in a complete circle and strike Shomen.he avoids being hit by drawing back, and meeting your strike,You are now in L posture, so is he. Pacific Aikido 25,958 views 6:29 AIKIDO - San Ju Ichi no Jo Kata (31 Jo Kata) - Duration: 3:25. )to avoid this thrust he pivots his lead foot, turning off the line, and facing you. the jo is still raised. Kata 31 – Le kata au Jo Kata 13 Sur les dernières années de sa vie, Mâitre SAITO ne pouvait plus exécuter de grands mouvements, en particulier à cause de problèmes et douleurs aux genoux, mais cela ne l’empêchait pas de finir toutes ses immobilisations à genoux, comme ici dans la dernière démonstration qu’il donna avec … Aiki Jo by Morihiro Saito 31 Jo Kata - Duration: 6:29. Change to back posture bringing Jo up in a rising block.

All Rights Reserved | Designed by goodprojects.com.au Afin de facilit la mmorisation, Saito Sensei l'a fractionn en.. )he raises the jo to make a straight strike to your head.You are in R posture, sitting on your L leg, you stand up and step forward, bringing the back end of the jo forward, to thrust at his chest. Le kata des 31 frappes a t enseign par O Sense Morihiro Saito Iwama.

If you pull you cannot stop the jo easily. Step through with right leg raising Jo to a Jodan block. to strike his jo downwards and away from you, exposing his side. )stepping back, he absorbs your cut by making an identical cut to yours, in mirror-image. )having raised his jo above his head for shomen, he sees you going instead for his knee, so steps back to withdraw the leg, and swings the jo back down to block your strike vertically.You pull you jo back against your side, to avoid it being hit, as in no 16. Slide right foot back and lunge forward with thrust at chest height. )(Strike to opponents left side with a right circular blow. Change from left forward posture into right posture by a Tai Sabaki to your right side and make a downward strike to your opponents head. As you bring the jo up, allow your back hand to slide into the middle of the stick, then let go with your front hand so that you can rotate the jo through 180 deg.

Step through with right foot, sweeping Jo to strike at knee. (Step through with right foot, sweeping Jo to strike at knee. Slide left foot forward and thrust at chest height. vertically to strike your stick down. Raise Jo in a circular thrust to the left. S - Jo : Kata des 31 sous la forme d'un tableau Les cours d'armes donnés par Bernard Palmier, Shihan (assisté d'Eric Marchand, 5ème dan) auxquels j'ai assisté durant de nombreuses années, à Fontenay-aux-Roses, m'ont permis d'élaborer le tableau ci-dessous.

(Change from left forward posture into right posture by a Tai Sabaki to your right side and make a downward strike to your opponents head. 1-2 Change to back posture Throughout this description You are ‘doing’ the kata side, He/Him is ‘doing’ the “awase”. )he pivots to his R, avoiding the thrust, then back to his original position, at the same time he drops the end of his jo under yours, and spirals it over the top, knocking you off balance to your front and L, this is similar to nos 2a and 13a, only upside down.You draw your jo back to regain your posture, and make another straight thrust to his ribs.he turns to his L again, this time rotating the jo through 180 deg. (Raising Jo above head rotate 180 degrees and strike Shomen. 2017 Good Aikido. )Keeping the end of his jo low, he steps back into Right posture, and turns his hips towards you, blocking your strike with his jo vertical. North West Iwama Ryo Aikido Chorley. read and perform the kata left to right in the table below.Based against a revised description by Jonathan Diesch the Starting in Left posture, he makes a straight thrust to your chest.Starting Left posture, you step off the line to your Left and make a reverse thrust over his jo, to the chest. From here rotate your jo from under his to on top, and strike it down, taking his balance to his front Right, and…(Change to back posture bringing Jo up in a rising block. )he steps back, dropping the front end of his jo to blockStep forward, and to your L, moving past the end of his jo, and raise your jo ABOVE your head, so that you can thrust downwards at his chest/neck, with the lower end.he lifts the front end of his jo to vertical, and steps back, avoiding the thrust.