Creating a Kendo UI for Angular 2 Application. Your valuable feedback, questions, or comments about this article are always welcomed. Testing the REST API. The Employee Information is populated based on the selection of department in the Grid. This demo shows the specific API functions, as well as DataSource interaction options, which control the behaviour of Kendo UI TreeView. Now enhanced with: Product Bundles. When using the Grid's MVC wrapper, the Grid must be Ajax-bound for the dataItem() method to work. The Kendo UI grid is a powerful widget which allows you to visualize and edit data via its table representation. The AngularJS bindings are integrated into Kendo UI. Learn how to build custom functionality of the Angular Grid by Kendo UI with the help of the options available in the API. Progress enables you to rapidly develop and deliver applications that drive customer success. db.Employees where emp.DepartmentID == deptId select emp;   Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, _emp, Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter);   Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, ex.Message, Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter);  GetDepartment action method is used to get the list of department and the EmployeeDetails action method is used to get the list of Employees based on department id.

first approach for data access, please read I hope you have enjoyed this article. To make use of this integration, you need to reference the Angular scripts in your app and register the module incorporating the Kendo UI directives in the following way:

Optionally wraps to the previous row.A Boolean value which indicates if the focus will move to the next row. Tune in FREE to the React Virtual Conference Sep. 11 at 10am ET x LEARN: React Virtual Conference In this article you will learn how to implement a Kendo detail grid using AngularJS and ASP.NET Web API.In the Solution Explorer, right click the model folder, Add-> Class and name it as This article will show you how to get the kendo UI support to  work with its widget using AngularJS.Implementing the Kendo Detail Grid using AngularJS with the REST API.Create an empty Web API application using an installed web template in Visual Studio as in the following figures: System.Data.Entity.DbSet Departments {  System.Data.Entity.DbSet Employees { Now, open the Package manager console and run the following commands,This will add the folder called migration with code file named configuration.cs Check your Web config file and ensure the SQL connection string,Open configuration.cs file under migration folder and add the following code in seed method, Seed(DetailGrid.Models.DetailGridContext context)  ASP.NET Web API With Entity Framework 6 Code First Technique - Part 1Before adding the controller build your application once. Create an empty Web API application using an installed web template in Visual Studio as in the following figures:

In this sample we demonstrate how you can collect numeric value entered by the user and use this value to select, expand/collapse grid rows or resize columns using the select, expandGroup/collapseGroup and resizeColumn methods of the widget. One is to directly give your kendo grid's datasource the adrress of the Api controller: This article flows as follows, Creating an ASP.NET Web API Application. This sample shows how you can use the API of kendoDialog widget to refresh the content of the dialog, open and close it. Creating an ASP.NET Web API application. bootstrap Theme

Basic Usage of the Kendo UI AngularJS Directives.