This will make sure you do not get confused as to how the logic is grouped.

The Bitwise Operators. Now the if statement is true when the variable num is not equal to 3.

the function similar to AND gate and OR gate in digital electronics.

To get the previous result, we would need to wrap the OR part in parenthesis like this: now that the if statement is checking if flag is true. XOR (^), logical negation (! Will Java display "You win!"?

Because you have seen the rest of the relational operators, I will not go over them here.

It is simply the opposite of what the condition says.

In the next tutorial we're finally going to delve into what makes Java tick, the Remember I am going to complete the list, so you will have all of Java's relational operators in front of you.

Every programming language has its own logical operators, or at least a way of expressing logic. Java then says ok, is the other side of the OR operator true? The code will run if num1 is equal to 3 OR num2 is equal to 5. If that one is also true, then it will print out "You Win!" If num1 is equal to 9 and num2 is equal to 2 or num3 is equal to 7.

If that one is also true, then it will print out "You Win!"

If num1 is equal to 9 and num2 is equal to 2 or num3 is equal to 7. Conditional operators, like their relational counterparts, are also mostly used in if statements, while loops, and for loops.

Up until this point, it was ridiculously difficult to make a bunch of if statements so that the program will execute a piece of code if only one out of several conditions is true. This article explains all that one needs to know regarding the Logical Operators.These operators are used to perform logical “AND”, “OR” and “NOT” operation, i.e.

it has a short-circuiting effect. Because you have seen the rest of the relational operators, I will not go over them here. This is the exact same thing. Relational operators are used primarily in if statements, while loops, and on occasion for loops. Java's logical operators are split into two subtypes, relational and conditional.

We always keep in mind the short-circuiting effect which says that the second value is never evaluated if the first condition is false. Every programming language has its own logical operators, or at least a way of expressing logic.

values:Bitwise operators are used to perform binary logic with the bits of an integer or long

Try coming up with different experiments using most of the logical operators so that you get a better feel for handling them. First, Java will look at the first if statement. Since num3 is indeed equal to 7, “You win!” will be displayed. So supposedly you might say ok, since num1 is not equal to 9, then the rest of the statement does not matter, and nothing will be displayed. I am going to complete the list, so you will have all of Java's relational operators in front of you. There are four logical operators in Java, however one of them is less commonly used and I will not discuss here. What do you think will happen? You can use these operators to make your programs much more flexible and powerful. I think the easiest way to put it is like this: Java looks at the first two conditions.

Learning about the logical operators means that you too will need to brush up on your logic. AmitDiwan Published on 17-Aug-2020 13:14:52 Flag is set to true, so that code will not execute.

They help in combining two conditions to make one final output. Sometimes, expressions that use logical operators are called “compound expressions” because the effect of the logical operators is to let you combine two or more condition tests into a single expression. now that the if statement is checking if flag is true. Both combine two Boolean expressions and return true only if both expressions are true . when num1 is equal to 3 and num2 is equal to 5. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding.