Return to a planet swept by apocalyptic storms, a world tipping into war as aristocratic families move to control the shard blades and shard plates, ancient artefacts from a past civilisation that can win wars.

Half-Fae, half-human Bryce Quinlan loves her life.

Though she has risen to the position of lady-in-waiting, she is loyal to a hidden society of mages. Performance

Imprisoned and alone in a strange land, Davian is pitted against the remaining Venerate.

In the darkest hour, will the Lightbringer come?


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The end is coming.

A revolution brewing for generations has begun in fire.


When psychological profiler Tony Hill comes across a series of suicides among women tormented by vicious online predators, he begins to wonder if there is more to these tragedies than meets the eye.


The nurse Hana, exhausted by death, obsessively tends to her last surviving patient.


The Gold overlords demanded his obedience, hanged his wife, and enslaved his people. Les habitants de Béthulie virent se vider toutes les jarres d'eau et les citernes s'épuiser.

Il relate comment la belle et jeune veuve Judith (יהודית ; Yehudit ; « Louée » ou « Juive », en grec : Ιουδίθ) écarte la menace dune invasion assyrienne en décapitant le général ennemi Holopherne, et restaure du même coup la foi du peuple juif en la puissance salvatrice de son Dieu.

After the Dementors' attack on his cousin Dudley, Harry Potter knows that Voldemort will stop at nothing to find him.

Je ne vous le dirai pas avant de l'avoir exécuté.

But when a stranger begs her to drive a car to Delphi, swearing that it is a matter of life and death, Camilla impulsively takes the opportunity she's been offered.

She's lonely, single and has just lost her job. From the best-selling author who completed Robert Jordan's epic Wheel of Time series comes a new original creation that matches anything else in modern fantasy for epic scope, thrilling imagination, superb characters and sheer addictiveness.

Glennon decided to let go of the world’s expectations of her and reclaim her true untamed self.