Now, certainly, I would recommend you to use the filter method.. Take in mind that this method will return you a new array with the elements that pass the criteria of the callback function you provide to it.. For example, if you want to remove null or undefined values:
Depending on your use-case this could be as easy as using the built-in I'll also be explaining how to achieve this in other ways, like with the use of utility libraries that will handle it for you, or if you have to support older browsers like IE 8.To remove a particular element from an array in JavaScript we'll want to first find the location of the element and then remove it.Finding the location by value can be done with the Using this index value we will then want to actually remove the element, which we can do with the Keep in mind that this only removes the first occurrence of the given element.

JavaScript arrays allow you to group values and iterate over them. By I also added 'i--;' after the splice call.Now when you execute the loop it will remove every matching item.Thanks to Kristian Sletten for pointing out the issue with the loop skipping the following item.Unlike the splice method, filter creates a new array. The memory is freed when there are no more references to the value.What if you want to empty an entire array and just dump all of it's elements?There are a couple of techniques you can use to create an empty or new array.The simplest and fastest technique is to set an array variable to an empty array:The problem this can create is when you have references to the variable. Here are a few ways to remove an item from an array using JavaScript.

This classic question pops up once in a while. Install Love2Dev for quick, easy access from your homescreen or start menu. It uses Array.filter to return elements not matching a value.Using the delete operator does not affect the length property. The new Set will implicitly remove duplicate elements. The second argument specifies the number of elements to remove. You can add and remove array elements in different ways. This of course can create a bug.This is an over simplified example of this scenario:A simple trick to clear an array is to set its length property to 0.Another, sort of unnatural technique, is to use the splice method, passing the array length as the 2nd parameter. The array becomes sparse, which is a fancy way of saying the deleted item is not removed but becomes undefined. Using Splice to Remove Array Elements in JavaScript The splice method can be used to add or remove elements from an array. See the following example to illustrate this:Now running the same example code as above, we get the following:As you can see, both of the '3' elements are now removed from the array.With this being such a common use-case, most (if not all) of the utility libraries have a function to remove elements from an array.So, for example, here is how you'd remove the number 3:Notice that it has removed all instances of 3, which is the default behavior.However, this method is more useful when removing more complex elements, like objects. JavaScript Methods: Remove Duplicates From Javascript Array . I wrote all I learned on blogging in this

John Resig gave us a Instead I created an Array remove utility method that can be added to a helper or utility library. How do I remove an element from an array? Subscribe to our newsletter! Elements that return true are added to the new, filtered array.You should note a new array containing matching values is returned. The pop method modifies the array on which it is invoked, This means unlike using delete the last element is removed completely and the array length reduced. See the following example to illustrate this:Now running the same example code as above, we get the following:As you can see, both of the '3' elements are now removed from the array.With this being such a common use-case, most (if not all) of the utility libraries have a function to remove elements from an array.So, for example, here is how you'd remove the number 3:Notice that it has removed all instances of 3, which is the default behavior.However, this method is more useful when removing more complex elements, like objects. Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to remove duplicates from an array in JavaScript. But you can add and remove array elements in different ways in JavaScript.
filter() does not mutate the array on which it is called, but returns a new array.filter() has a single parameter, a callback method.