you can use condition with state or props. Wouldn't it make sense to have our CSS follow the same approach?This is why CSS modules exist. If you’re interested in monitoring and tracking Redux state for all of your users in production, The LogRocket Redux middleware package adds an extra layer of visibility into your user sessions. Most of the time, There’s more than one way to use conditional expressions in React. We may receive a commission for purchases made through this link.This is an affiliate link. Consider a complex, nested set of conditions:This can become a mess pretty quickly.

We may receive a commission for purchases made through this link.This is an affiliate link. The only difference is, that we are using a component based approach to create applications/websites. This is just a regular .css file, that we need to import:Using this syntax, we can also apply classes based on conditions. In react you can use ternary condition in "className" and "style" attribute. A third property will indicate if you are in Next, add some methods for handling input text and the save and edit events:An if/else block is the easiest way to solve the problem, but I’m sure you know this is not a good implementation.It works great for simple use cases, and every programmer knows how it works. In this tutorial, you will learn how to style your components in react.We will take a look at how you can use inline styles, regular CSS classes, CSS modules or react styled components.Also, you will discover how to conditionally apply styles based on the state of the component.Inline styles are used when a single HTML element needs unique styles. That means, that if we define a class "button" in component A and a class "button" in component B, we possibly end up with a mixture of both classes and the respective style properties.This is no new problem nor is it specific to react. To do that, we call a method of the styled components library to generate that component with the provided style information:That component can then be used like any other react component:Just like with normal CSS in react, we can adjust the style based on JavaScript logic.Because styled components are just components, the way to feed them values is via props. All we need to do is to suffix our stylesheet file with the word "module". Instead of passing a string with all the styles to the attribute, we need to assign an object:Notice, that the outer brace is the regular "this is JavaScript" JSX syntax. Once again, we are using the ternary operator to do so:In case you have more complex conditions, you can create a method that returns the class name as a string.Using the method approach, you have endless possibilities which classes to apply based on one (or more) input.The approach of using CSS classes has one drawback though...The styles we define for one class in a component are available for the whole app. I’ll talk more about the performance implications of conditional rendering later.

We can access the props of the styled component like this:We can then control the appearance by passing the property accordingly:You can find out about all the possibilities of styled components In this tutorial, we learned about all the different ways to use CSS styles with react.We save your email address, your name and your profile picture on our servers when you sing in. You can conditionally set the value of attributes like style, override them using rules of precedence, and determine whether to include them at all. Let's say, we want to display text with a red color. It can also be applied in different parts of the component.Let’s apply it to the example so you can see this in action. Based on the example of the article, I created two JSFiddles.

The essential idea is that changing the position of the components due to conditional rendering can cause a reflow that will unmount/mount the components of the app. Like books, movies, and still trying many things. But here, I’m going to do something a bit different to show you how you can go from an imperative solution to more declarative and functional solutions.As properties, it receives everything it needs to work. We can easily add conditional styles using the ternary operator.When you want to style many elements the same way, it is best to use CSS classes to keep the download size of your application small.To apply CSS classes to elements, instead of using the regular class syntaxOf course, we also need a CSS stylesheet.

Here’s a good article about optimizing conditional rendering in React — I totally recommend you read it.

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/src/App.js file import React from 'react'; I’m going to remove Using a ternary operator, you can declare one component to render either a save or edit button by changing its handler and label correspondingly:As mentioned before, this operator can be applied in different parts of the component.