This app provides core functionality like authentication to your Google accounts, synchronized contacts and location services which workRead More So, you have just to click on the link and wait for a few seconds to download it automatically. You should thus check for updates for both of these when you run into trouble for that you have to Please note that some Apps may not work if you uninstall Google Play services from your device.

Même si elle n'est pas la seule, la boutique de Google reste incontournable pour dénicher et récupérer des applis pour Android. En savoir plus sur notre Conçu à l'origine pour les professionnels du montage, Shutter Encoder est un convertisseur audio, vidéo et photo à la fois ultra complet et simple d'emploi. Google Play Store propose le référencement et le téléchargement d'applications, jeux, films, musiques, livres et de journaux.

Moreover it can access to its user privacy settings and all kind of location services. The purpose of this app is to offer the following functionalities.With Google Play Services your experience for using apps is also enhanced. Sans être parfaite, elle est assez pratique à utiliser et regorge d'applis en tout genre.

Avec les Services Google Play pour Android mettez à jour vos applications Google et Google Play Store. Finally, you can have the latest version Google Play services APK for Android from below.

This Application also enriches the user experience towards other applications.

In general, devices running Android 4.1 (API level 16) or later and have the Google Play services app installed receive updates within a few days. The Google Play services APK is delivered through the Google Play Store, so updates to the services are not dependent on carrier or OEM system image updates. Google Play Services APK Download Latest Version. Download the latest version of Google Play Services .APK file. - This component provides core functionality like authentication to your Google services, synchronized contacts, access to all the latest user privacy settings, and higher quality, lower-powered location based services.

L'application c'est bien installer mais elle ne s'ouvre pas, quand je clique dessus elle se referme automatiquement je comprend pas, help me

Google Play Services 20.24.65 .APK . - Here are the direct links to get Google Play Services update download APK.

It also helps updating apps from Google Play Store. Google Play services is an essential app to use Google apps. Google Play Services 11.9.76 .APK.
- This app is also an essential component of Google Play store.The main purpose of this application is to authenticate its user. Google Play services is an essential app to use Google apps.

Google Play Services by Google LLC.

It does this by constantly checking that all installed apps have the latest available versions.

Google Play services is used to update Google apps and apps from Google Play. - Vous pouvez également à tout moment revoir vos options en matière de ciblage.

Google Play Services is an Android app that makes sure the rest of your apps are up-to-date. Other applications like Whatsapp, Facebook and Instagram also require play services to work properly on your Android. Actualités - Google Play Store est l'application officielle de Google permettant d'avoir accès à la boutique en ligne du même nom sur mobile et tablettes Android.

During offline, it improves the speed of searches and This app is a feature of the Google Play to update any Google apps or the apps downloaded from Google Play Store. Fonctionnant sous Windows, macOS et Ubuntu – mais uniquement en 64 bits –, il sait gérer un très grand nombre de formats et de codecs tout en offrant une vaste palette d'outils et de fonctions (retouche, rognage, sous-titrage, analyse, extraction et gravure, normalisation, etc.). Previous Versions: Google Play Services 20.26.14 .APK.

It also offers the following benefits.If you uninstall this app from your android device, then apps may not function properly.Sometimes an outdated version of Google Play or the Google Service Framework can cause a problem.

This app provides core functionality like authentication to your Google accounts, synchronized contacts and location services which work in the background.Google Play services also enhances your app experience. It also helps updating apps from Google Play Store.

Other applications like Whatsapp, Facebook and Instagram also require play services to work properly on your Android. Mais Google doit encore la faire évoluer pour éliminer les logiciels douteux, voire nuisibles, et améliorer son ergonomie.Les informations recueillies sont destinées à CCM BENCHMARK GROUP pour vous assurer l'envoi de votre newsletter.Elles seront également utilisées sous réserve des options souscrites, à des fins de ciblage publicitaire.Vous bénéficiez d’un droit d’accès et de rectification de vos données personnelles, ainsi que celui d’en demander l’effacement dans les limites prévues par la loi. Google Play services Apk Download for PC Full Version.Télécharger Google Play services Apk for PC,Portable, Windows Latest Version.Google Play services is used to update Google apps and apps from Google Play.

Version: 20.26.65 (020300-325349468) (202665006) Last updated: August 11, 2020: File Size: 50 mb: Download Google Play Services .APK. Cerise sur le gâteau, il est développé par un Français !